Creating custom environment values in SwiftUI
Apr 14, 2024 ·
In this post, I’ll describe how to create custom environment values in SwiftUI, and how I’ve abused Swift to let us do it with a lot less code than what is otherwise required.
Update: 2024-06-14
At WWDC24, Apple presented a new Entry macro that lets us define custom environment, focused, container, and transaction values with very little code.
As such, the code in this post is now obsolete. The originally linked SDK has been removed, and its source code added to the end of this post, for future reference, and in case you don’t target iOS 18.
You can read more about this in this blog post, where I show how @Entry
makes things even easier.
Environment values can be used to make it easy to inject things like styles, configurations, etc. into the view hierarchy, instead of having to apply them with a view initializer.
For instance, consider that you have a MyView
view, that can be styled with a MyViewStyle
struct MyView {
let style: MyViewStyle
var body: some View {
struct MyViewStyle {
var color: Color
One way to apply this style is to inject it with the initializer, with a default fallback value:
struct MyView {
init(style: MyViewStyle = .standard) { = style
var style: MyViewStyle
var body: some View {
struct MyViewStyle {
init(color: Color = .red) {
self.color = color
var color: Color
static var standard = Self()
Init injection however becomes complicated in more complex view hierarchies, where you may have to pass in values deep into the view hierarchy.
Instead, SwiftUI provides a convenient way to inject environment values into the view environment, then using @Environment
to access the injected values. SwiftUI uses this convention extensively, e.g. with the .buttonStyle
view modifier, as well as for many other styles and values in the framework.
Environment injection is MUCH more flexible than init injection, since you can inject values into any part of the view hierarchy. It’s also nice to remove init parameters, since complex and generic views can end up with complicated init permutations.
Let’s take a look at how to define custom environment values in the standard, complicated SwiftUI way, then how we can simplify it a bit using the Swift type system.
How to define an environment value - the standard way
To define a custom environment value, you must extend the native EnvironmentValues
type with a property that can get and set a value of that type. For this to work, you must also define a custom EnvironmentKey
type with a default value, then make the EnvironmentValues
property use that type.
Finally, it’s nice to provide a view modifier with the same name as your type, like how ButtonStyle
has a matching .buttonStyle
view modifier.
For MyViewStyle
, the resulting code could look something like this:
struct MyViewStyle: Codable, Sendable { ... }
extension MyViewStyle {
struct Key: EnvironmentKey {
static var defaultValue = MyViewStyle()
extension EnvironmentValues {
var myViewStyle: MyViewStyle {
get { self[MyViewStyle.Key.self] }
set { self[MyViewStyle.Key.self] = newValue }
extension View {
func myViewStyle(_ style: MyViewStyle) -> some View {
environment(\.myViewStyle, style)
The MyView
view could then be rewritten like this:
struct MyView {
var style: MyViewStyle
var body: some View {
This is not much code, but imagine having to repeat this for many custom types. I’d like less code, and have spent some time playing around with plain Swift and protocols to come up with a more streamlined approach.
How to define an environment value - an easier way
During my experiment, I managed to reduce the amount of code for each environment value type:
struct MyStyle: EnvironmentValue {
static var keyPath: EnvironmentKeyPath { \.myStyle }
extension EnvironmentValues {
var myStyle: MyStyle {
get { get() } set { set(newValue) }
extension View {
func myStyle(_ style: MyStyle) -> some View {
While you don’t save a lot of code, you avoid repeating the same boilerplate code for each type. All in all, I find it much cleaner and less error-prone, since it involves fewer references.
This is powered by implementing a custom EnvironmentValue
protocol, which defines everything we need to automatically resolve keys, keypaths, etc. Let’s take a look.
Creating the EnvironmentValue protocol
I wanted a protocol to power the library, and since SwiftUI has an EnvironmentValues
type, I decided to call it EnvironmentValue
protocol EnvironmentValue {}
To be able to resolve things, the protocol requires implementing types to provide a parameterless initializer, or default values for all properties:
protocol EnvironmentValue {
With this initializer, the protocol can now provide a defaultValue
for all implementing types:
extension EnvironmentValue {
static var defaultValue: Self { .init() }
We can now use defaultValue
to provide an automatically resolved key type for every value type:
protocol EnvironmentValue {
typealias EnvironmentKey = EnvironmentValueKey<Self>
struct EnvironmentValueKey<T: EnvironmentValue>: EnvironmentKey {
static var defaultValue: T { T.defaultValue }
We can then extend the native EnvironmentValues
type with a getter and a setter that uses this key information to get and set values for any EnvironmentValue
extension EnvironmentValues {
func get<T: EnvironmentValue>() -> T {
mutating func set<T: EnvironmentValue>(_ newValue: T) {
self[T.EnvironmentKey.self] = newValue
This lets us avoid having to use subscripts for every new type. Instead, we can define custom value properties like this:
extension EnvironmentValues {
var myViewStyle: MyViewStyle {
get { get() }
set { set(newValue) }
To avoid having to specify a keypath, we can force each type to specify its own keypath:
protocol EnvironmentValue {
static var keyPath: EnvironmentPath { get }
typealias EnvironmentKey = EnvironmentValueKey<Self>
typealias EnvironmentPath = WritableKeyPath<EnvironmentValues, Self>
This means a type just have to provide a default initializer (or a default value for each property), as well as a key path. This is how MyViewStyle
from above would do it:
struct MyViewStyle: EnvironmentValue {
var color: Color = .blue
static var keyPath: EnvironmentPath { \.myViewStyle }
We can now add an environment
view modifier that takes an EnvironmentValue
and uses its type to figure out which key path to use:
extension View {
func environment<T: EnvironmentValue>(
_ value: T
) -> some View {
environment(T.keyPath, value)
This means that we don’t have to repeat the key path when providing a myViewStyle
modifier. We can just do this instead:
extension View {
func myViewStyle(_ style: MyViewStyle) -> some View {
That’s it! We can now apply .myViewStyle(...)
to any view, then use @Environment(\.myViewStyle)
to access the injected value from any view, or the default value if no value is injected.
Final result
This is the final EnvironmentValue
result. You can just copy it to use it in your own app:
import SwiftUI
/// This protocol can be implemented by any type that should
/// be used as an environment value.
/// To implement this protocol, just provide a parameterless
/// ``init()`` and a ``keyPath`` value that returns a custom
/// `EnvironmentValues` property:
/// ```swift
/// struct MyViewStyle: EnvironmentValue {
/// static var keyPath: EnvironmentKeyPath { \.myViewStyle }
/// }
/// extension EnvironmentValues {
/// var myViewStyle: MyViewStyle {
/// get { get() } set { set(newValue) }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// You can now inject custom values into the environment by
/// using the ``SwiftUI/View/environment(_:)`` modifier that
/// doesn't require a keypath.
/// To make things even easier, you can also define a custom
/// view modifier for your value:
/// ```swift
/// extension View {
/// func myViewStyle(_ style: MyViewStyle) -> some View {
/// environment(style)
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// You can now apply a custom style to any views, like this:
/// ```swift
/// MyView()
/// .myViewStyle(...)
/// ```
/// Views can use `@Environment` with the custom key path to
/// access injected values, like this:
/// ```swift
/// struct MyView: View {
/// @Environment(\.myViewStyle)
/// var body: some View { ... }
/// }
/// ```
/// If no value has been injected, the default value is used.
public protocol EnvironmentValue {
/// Environment values must provide a default initializer.
/// The `EnvironmentValue` keypath to use.
static var keyPath: EnvironmentPath { get }
/// This typealias defines an automatically resolved key.
typealias EnvironmentKey = EnvironmentValueKey<Self>
/// This typealias refers to an environment key path.
typealias EnvironmentPath = WritableKeyPath<EnvironmentValues, Self>
public extension EnvironmentValue {
/// A default value to use, when no value has been added
/// to the the environment.
static var defaultValue: Self { .init() }
/// The automatic value for the current platform.
static var automatic: Self { defaultValue }
/// This type is used by ``EnvironmentValue`` to define keys.
public struct EnvironmentValueKey<T: EnvironmentValue>: EnvironmentKey {
/// A default value to use, when no value has been added
/// to the the environment.
public static var defaultValue: T { T.defaultValue }
public extension EnvironmentValues {
/// Get a certain ``EnvironmentValue``.
func get<T: EnvironmentValue>() -> T {
/// Set a certain ``EnvironmentValue``.
mutating func set<T: EnvironmentValue>(_ newValue: T) {
self[T.EnvironmentKey.self] = newValue
public extension View {
/// Inject an ``EnvironmentValue`` into the environment.
func environment<T: EnvironmentValue>(
_ value: T
) -> some View {
environment(T.keyPath, value)
// MARK: - Preview Types
private struct MyView: View {
private var style
var body: some View {
private struct MyViewStyle: EnvironmentValue {
var color: Color = .blue
static var keyPath: EnvironmentPath { \.myViewStyle }
private extension EnvironmentValues {
var myViewStyle: MyViewStyle {
get { get() } set { set(newValue) }
private extension View {
func myViewStyle(
_ style: MyViewStyle = .automatic
) -> some View {
Although the EnvironmentValue
protocol lets you create custom environment types with less code, I was hoping to make it automate even more things.
For instance, I wanted keyPath
to be resolved by EnvironmentValues
, by using a generic function and not the explicit key path property. However, Swift seems to require an actual property to be able to use it as a keypath in the .environment
However, with the addition of the Entry macro, this approach is longer required. I have removed the GitHub repository, so only use the code above if you target older OS versions.
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