Applying complex gestures to a SwiftUI view
Nov 24, 2022 ·
As we saw in last week’s post, gestures in a ScrollView
are complicated, since they can block the scrolling. Without a scroll view, things become a lot easier. Let’s take a look.
Update 2024-09-02
The new GestureButton open-source project contains many improvements, so check it out for code samples and source-code that is adjusted for the future.
Less complexity
If we don’t have to consider the scroll view complexities, we can focus on handling estures in the cleanest way possible. For my needs, I need to handle the following gestures:
- Presses
- Releases (inside and outside)
- Long presses
- Hold presses
- Double taps
- Drag started
- Drag changed
- Drag ended
- Gesture ended
As you will see, we will be able to detect all these gestures by using a single drag gesture. Let’s start with creating a view to which we can apply all these gestures.
Creating a ScrollView-incompatible gesture button
Let’s start with creating a GestureButton
that we will use to implement all these gestures:
public struct GestureButton<Label: View>: View {
isPressed: Binding<Bool>? = nil,
pressAction: Action? = nil,
releaseInsideAction: Action? = nil,
releaseOutsideAction: Action? = nil,
longPressDelay: TimeInterval = GestureButtonDefaults.longPressDelay,
longPressAction: Action? = nil,
doubleTapTimeout: TimeInterval = GestureButtonDefaults.doubleTapTimeout,
doubleTapAction: Action? = nil,
repeatDelay: TimeInterval = GestureButtonDefaults.repeatDelay,
repeatTimer: RepeatGestureTimer = .shared,
repeatAction: Action? = nil,
dragStartAction: DragAction? = nil,
dragAction: DragAction? = nil,
dragEndAction: DragAction? = nil,
endAction: Action? = nil,
label: @escaping LabelBuilder
) {
self.isPressedBinding = isPressed ?? .constant(false)
self.pressAction = pressAction
self.releaseInsideAction = releaseInsideAction
self.releaseOutsideAction = releaseOutsideAction
self.longPressDelay = longPressDelay
self.longPressAction = longPressAction
self.doubleTapTimeout = doubleTapTimeout
self.doubleTapAction = doubleTapAction
self.repeatDelay = repeatDelay
self.repeatTimer = repeatTimer
self.repeatAction = repeatAction
self.dragStartAction = dragStartAction
self.dragAction = dragAction
self.dragEndAction = dragEndAction
self.endAction = endAction
self.label = label
public typealias Action = () -> Void
public typealias DragAction = (DragGesture.Value) -> Void
public typealias LabelBuilder = (_ isPressed: Bool) -> Label
var isPressedBinding: Binding<Bool>
let pressAction: Action?
let releaseInsideAction: Action?
let releaseOutsideAction: Action?
let longPressDelay: TimeInterval
let longPressAction: Action?
let doubleTapTimeout: TimeInterval
let doubleTapAction: Action?
let repeatDelay: TimeInterval
let repeatTimer: RepeatGestureTimer
let repeatAction: Action?
let dragStartAction: DragAction?
let dragAction: DragAction?
let dragEndAction: DragAction?
let endAction: Action?
let label: LabelBuilder
private var isPressed = false
private var longPressDate = Date()
private var releaseDate = Date()
private var repeatDate = Date()
public var body: some View {
.onChange(of: isPressed) { isPressedBinding.wrappedValue = $0 }
Wow, that’s a pretty huge initializer. Feel free to group the parameters if you see fit, but I’ve chosen to keep it like this for simplicity. Let’s take a look at the parameters.
The initializer lets us provide an isPressed
binding to observe the pressed state. Note that we set it to an isPressedBinding
property and have a second isPressed
state that we use to avoid problems if a .constant
binding is provided.
We can provide a bunch of actions and configurations to handle press
, release inside
, release outside
, long press
, double tap
, repeats
(press and hold), drag start
, drag
, drag end
and gesture end
in a clean way.
In the body, we display the label
builder result. It takes isPressed
as input, then makes it sync isPressed
changes to isPressedBinding
. We also add accessibility traits to tell the system that this is a button.
Adding a drag gesture to the button
To detect whether a press is released inside or outside of the button’s bounds, we use a GeometryReader
that will wrap the view to which the gestures are applied.
However, applying the GeometryReader
to the button label would make the button greedy, which would cause it to float within a view that takes up all the available space.
To avoid this, we can keep the button view as is, and instead add the geometry reader as an overlay
, then apply the drag gesture to a view within the reader.
Let’s start with defining this gestureView
private extension GestureButton {
var gestureView: some View {
GeometryReader { geo in
EmptyView() // We'll add the correct view soon
then add the view as an overlay
to the button label:
var body: some View {
.onChange(of: isPressed) { isPressedBinding.wrappedValue = $0 }
We can now replace the empty view with a view with gestures. Let’s use Color.clear
and specify a .contentShape
to it to make it detect taps, then add a DragGesture
to it:
var gestureView: some View {
DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
.onChanged { _ in /* Let's add code here */ }
.onEnded { _ in /* ...and here */ }
With the gesture in place, we can now start to implement the various actions that we want to be able to trigger with this single gesture.
Implementing gesture actions
The drag gesture has an onChanged
and an onEnded
event, but no onStarted
. This means that we have to use onChanged
to handle both when a gesture starts and when it changes.
Let’s define two functions for trying to handle presses and releases:
private extension GestureButton {
func tryHandlePress(_ value: DragGesture.Value) {
/* Let's add code here */
func tryHandleRelease(_ value: DragGesture.Value, in geo: GeometryProxy) {
/* ...and here */
We can now call these functions from the drag gesture above:
var gestureView: some View {
DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
.onChanged { value in
.onEnded { value in
tryHandleRelease(value, in: geo)
will try to handle a press whenever the drag gesture starts, but it should only be triggered once and also call the dragAction
. onEnded
will only try to handle the release.
Handling presses
Trying to handle presses involves the following operations:
func tryHandlePress(_ value: DragGesture.Value) {
if isPressed { return }
isPressed = true
Since we should only handle presses once, we abort if isPressed
is true
. If not, we set it to true
, call pressAction
& dragStart
, after triggering the long press and repeat actions.
We now call pressAction
, dragStartAction
& dragAction
at the correct places. Let’s look at how to trigger a long press.
How to trigger a long press
Trying to trigger a long press involves the following operations:
func tryTriggerLongPressAfterDelay() {
guard let action = longPressAction else { return }
let date = Date()
longPressDate = date
let delay = longPressDelay
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) {
guard self.longPressDate == date else { return }
We first check that we have a longPressAction
, otherwise we abort the operation. If we have one, we take the current date and set the longPressDate
to it.
We then use longPressDelay
to trigger an async operation that check if longPressDate
is still the same. If so, the gesture is still active, and should trigger the longPressAction
How to trigger a repeating action
With the long press taken care of, let’s look at how to handle repeats, which are the actions that trigger on a regular basis for as long as you keep the button pressed.
To handle the repeats, we will use a RepatGestureTimer, which is a simple class that starts calling an action with a certain interval when it’s started, then stops when it’s stopped.
Trying to trigger a repeating action involve the following operations:
func tryTriggerRepeatAfterDelay() {
guard let action = repeatAction else { return }
let date = Date()
repeatDate = date
let delay = repeatDelay
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) {
guard self.repeatDate == date else { return }
repeatTimer.start(action: action)
Just like with long presses, we check that we have a repeatAction
, otherwise we abort the operation. If we have one, we trigger a delay and start the repeatTimer
if the gesture is still active after the delay.
That’s all we need to do when we press the button. Let’s now look how to handle when the drag gesture eventually ends.
Handling releases
Trying to handle releases involves the following operations:
func tryHandleRelease(_ value: DragGesture.Value, in geo: GeometryProxy) {
if !isPressed { return }
isPressed = false
longPressDate = Date()
repeatDate = Date()
releaseDate = tryTriggerDoubleTap() ? .distantPast : Date()
if geo.contains(value.location) {
} else {
Since we should only handle releases once, we abort if isPressed
is false
. If not, we set it to false
, then reset the longPressDate
and repeatDate
and stop the repeatTimer
We then update releaseDate
according to if the release counts as a double tap or not, call the proper release action based on the end location then call dragEndAction
& endAction
How to trigger a double tap
Trying to trigger a double tap involves the following operations:
func tryTriggerDoubleTap() -> Bool {
let interval = Date().timeIntervalSince(releaseDate)
let isDoubleTap = interval < doubleTapTimeout
if isDoubleTap { doubleTapAction?() }
return isDoubleTap
We use the releaseDate
that we update in tryHandleRelease
to check how long time that has passed since the last release.
The release counts as a double tap if the time is less than the doubleTapTimeout
. If so, we call the doubleTapAction
and return the result, which updates the releaseDate
How to trigger the correct release action
Triggering the correct release action involves using the GeometryProxy
to check if a gesture was released inside or outside of the view’s bounds. To do this, we can use this extension:
private extension GeometryProxy {
func contains(_ dragEndLocation: CGPoint) -> Bool {
let x = dragEndLocation.x
let y = dragEndLocation.y
guard x > 0, y > 0 else { return false }
guard x < size.width, y < size.height else { return false }
return true
And that’s it! If the release is done within the view, we call releaseInsideAction
otherwise we call releaseOutsideAction
. With this in place, our gesture button is done.
lets you handle multiple gestures with a single button. You can detect many different type of gestures, using a single DragGesture
I have added GestureButton
to my SwiftUIKit library. You can find the source code here. If you decide to give it a try, I’d be very interested in hearing what you think.
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