Building a WebView for iOS and macOS in SwiftUI

Apr 24, 2022 · Follow on Twitter and Mastodon swiftuiwebviewmulti-platformuikitappkit

SwiftUI currently has no WebView, which means that we have to create it for ourselves. Let’s see how we can easily build a multi-platform web view for iOS, iPadOS and macOS.

Web view preview

If you’ve worked with SwiftUI before, you probably already know that the way to currently do this is to create a UIViewRepresentable for UIKit and an NSViewRepresentable for AppKit.

Question is, which native view do we want our representable to wrap? We have a few options, of which we’ll try out two: WKWebView and SFSafariViewController.


WebKit provides us with an WKWebView view, which supports both iOS and macOS. For our web view to support both iOS and macOS, we need to handle both UIKit and AppKit.

First, let’s define a typealias for the view representable type, to make the rest of the code cleaner:

#if os(iOS)
typealias WebViewRepresentable = UIViewRepresentable
#elseif os(macOS)
typealias WebViewRepresentable = NSViewRepresentable

If the view is added to a target or package that supports more platforms than iOS and macOS, we need to wrap it in an os check:

#if os(iOS) || os(macOS)

Ok, we’re ready to start. First import the required frameworks. We need both SwiftUI and WebKit:

import SwiftUI
import WebKit

We can then define our view. Let’s call it WebView and have it implement our ViewRepresentable:

public struct WebView: WebViewRepresentable {

Let’s add two initializers - one that just takes a non-optional URL and one that takes an optional URL and a WKWebView configuration block:

public init(url: URL) {
    self.url = url
    self.configuration = { _ in }

public init(
    url: URL? = nil,
    configuration: @escaping (WKWebView) -> Void = { _ in }) {
    self.url = url
    self.configuration = configuration

private let url: URL?
private let configuration: (WKWebView) -> Void

We can now create a web view that just loads a url or one that configures itself with a configuration (to setup delegates etc.), then loads the url if we provide it with one.

This gives us full flexibility - either a simple, url-based setup or a more complex, configurable one.

For iOS, we have to implement makeUIView and updateUIView:

#if os(iOS)
public func makeUIView(context: Context) -> WKWebView {

public func updateUIView(_ uiView: WKWebView, context: Context) {}

For macOS, we have to implement makeNSView and updateNSView:

#if os(macOS)
public func makeNSView(context: Context) -> WKWebView {

public func updateNSView(_ view: WKWebView, context: Context) {}

Since both platforms will setup WKWebView in the same way, we can have a single function for this:

private extension WebView {
    func makeView() -> WKWebView {
        let view = WKWebView()
        tryLoad(url, into: view)
        return view

    func tryLoad(_ url: URL?, into view: WKWebView) {
        guard let url = url else { return }
        view.load(URLRequest(url: url))

And that’s it! We now have a WebView that can be used on both iOS and macOS.

Let’s take a look at the slightly different SFSafariViewController.


SFSafariViewController is defined in SafariServices. It can display a navigation bar topmost and a toolbar bottommost, with navigation, reload, etc. It only supports iOS.

To use the controller in a target or package that supports more platforms, we must use an OS check:

#if os(iOS)

We’re ready to start. First import the required frameworks. We need SwiftUI and SafariServices:

import SwiftUI
import SafariServices

We can then define our view. Let’s call it SafariWebView. Since we only support iOS, it just have to implement UIViewControllerRepresentable:

public struct SafariWebView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {

Notice that we implement UIViewControllerRepresentable instead of UIViewRepresentable, since the embedded type is a view controller and not a view.

Since, SFSafariViewController can be created with a url and configuration, let’s adjust the approach from above to let you inject both a configuration and a viewConfiguration.

public init(
    url: URL,
    configuration: SFSafariViewController.Configuration = .init(),
    viewConfiguration: @escaping (SFSafariViewController) -> Void = { _ in }) {
    self.url = url
    self.configuration = configuration
    self.viewConfiguration = viewConfiguration

private let url: URL
private let configuration: SFSafariViewController.Configuration
private let viewConfiguration: (SFSafariViewController) -> Void

We can then implement makeUIViewController and updateUIViewController:

public func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> SFSafariViewController {
    let controller = SFSafariViewController(url: url, configuration: configuration)
    return controller

public func updateUIViewController(_ safariViewController: SFSafariViewController, context: Context) {}

The configuration is used to crete the view and the view configuration to configure the created view. We now have a SafariWebView that can be used on iOS and iPadOS.


You’ve seen two ways to create a web view for SwiftUI. I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple adds such a view at this year’s WWDC, but until they do, I hope that this helps.

I have added the source code and a demo app to a tiny library called WebViewKit. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.

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