Git tags cheat sheet

Aug 26, 2021 · Follow on Twitter and Mastodon git

In this post, let’s look at some git commands that I find useful. The post is primarily meant for future reference for myself, but can hopefully be useful to others as well.

Throughout the article, <PARAM> indicates where you should inject parameters.

List local tags with a certain name prefix/suffix

This command lists local tags with a certain name prefix or suffix:

git tag -l "<PREFIX>*"
git tag -l "*-<SUFFIX>"

List remote tags with a certain name prefix/suffix

This command lists remote tags with a certain name prefix or suffix:

git ls-remote --tags <REMOTE> | grep "<PREFIX>-.*[^}]$" | cut -f 2
git ls-remote --tags <REMOTE> | grep "\<SUFFIX>.*[^}]$" | cut -f 2

Delete local tags with a certain name prefix/suffix

This command deletes local tags with a certain name prefix or suffix:

git tag -d $(git tag -l "PREFIX-*") 
git tag -d $(git tag -l "*-<SUFFIX>")

Delete remote tags with a certain name prefix/suffix

This command deletes remote tags with a certain name prefix or suffix:

git push <REMOTE> --delete $(git ls-remote --tags <REMOTE> | grep "<PREFIX>.*[^}]$" | cut -f 2)
git push <REMOTE> --delete $(git ls-remote --tags <REMOTE> | grep "\<SUFFIX>$" | cut -f 2)

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