An easier way to manage alerts in SwiftUI

Jun 7, 2020 · Follow on Twitter and Mastodon

In this post, we’ll look at an easier way to manage alerts in SwiftUI, in a way that reduces state management and lets us present many alerts with the same modifier.


If you find the post too long, I have added the source code to my SwiftUIKit library. You can find it here. Feel free to try it out and let me know what you think.

The basics

To present alerts in SwiftUI, you use the alert modifier that takes an isPresented binding and a content function (more options have been added since this was written):

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var isAlertActive = false
    var body: some View {
        Button("Show alert", action: showAlert)
            .alert(isPresented: $isAlertActive, content: alert)

    func alert() -> Alert {
        Alert(title: Text("Hello, world!"))

    func showAlert() {
        isAlertActive = true

This can become tricky when you have to present multiple alerts from the same screen or reuse alerts across an app. You may end up duplicating code, state, view builders etc.

I therefore use a way to handle alerts in a reusable way, that requires less code and less state, while still being flexible to support both global and screen-specific alerts.

It all begins with a very simple state manager that I call AlertContext.

Alert context

Instead of managing state in every view that should present alerts, I use an AlertContext:

public class AlertContext: PresentationContext<Alert> {
    public override func content() -> Alert {
        contentView ?? Alert(title: Text(""))
    public func present(_ provider: AlertProvider) {
        contentView = provider.alert

This context has code for presenting an Alert or an alert provider. We’ll come back to the provider shortly.

This context inherits a PresentationContext. Let’s take a look at this context base class.

Presentation context

Since I use the same approach for alerts, sheets etc. I have a PresentationContext, which is a small ObservableObject class with an isActive binding and a generic content view:

public class PresentationContext<Content>: ObservableObject {
    public init() {}
    @Published public var isActive = false
    public var isActiveBinding: Binding<Bool> {
        .init(get: { self.isActive },
              set: { self.isActive = $0 }
    open func content() -> Content { contentView! }
    public internal(set) var contentView: Content? {
        didSet { isActive = contentView != nil }
    public func dismiss() {
        isActive = false
    public func present(_ content: Content) {
        contentView = content

The alert-specific functions in the AlertContext class use these to update the context.

Alert provider

AlertContext can present alerts and alert providers. While Alert is a native SwiftUI alert, AlertProvider is a protocol for anything that can provide alerts:

public protocol AlertProvider {
    var alert: Alert { get }

For instance, you can have an enum that represents various alerts that your app supports:

enum AppAlert: AlertProvider {
    case test
    case warning(message: String)
    var alert: Alert {
        Alert(title: Text(message))

private extension AppAlert {

    var message: String {
        switch self {
        case .test: return "This is a test alert"
        case .warning(let message): return message

Then present these alerts like this:

context.present(AppAlert.warning(message: "Something went wrong!"))

This makes it possible to create plain alerts or app- and view-specific enums and present all of them in the same way, using the same context.

New alert modifier

We can add a context-based .alert modifier to simplify using the context to show alerts:

public extension View {
    func alert(_ context: AlertContext) -> some View {
        alert(isPresented: context.isActiveBinding, content: context.content)

If you use this modifier instead of a native modifier, you can then use the provided context to present many different alerts.

Presenting an alert

With these new tools at our disposal, we can present alerts in a much easier way.

First, create a context property:

private var alert = AlertContext()

then add an alert modifier to the view:


You can now present any alerts or AlertProviders with the context:

alert.present(Alert(message: "Hello, I'm a custom alert."))

You no longer need multiple @State properties for different alerts or switch over an enum to determine which alert to show.


AlertContext can be used to present many alerts with a single modifier. All you have to do is provide the context with the alerts to present.

Source Code

I have added these types to my SwiftUIKit library. You can find the source code here. Feel free to try it out and let me know what you think.