Protocol-based array extensions not working

Feb 14, 2018 · Follow on Twitter and Mastodon

In a project I’m currently working on, I want to redesign how we use protocol-based domain models. However, what first looked easy turned into a Swift nightmare.


This post uses intentionally simple models. If you think that something makes no sense (e.g. “why the hell are you using x instead of y”), keep in mind that the code is fiction.

Protocol extensions

In Swift, protocol extensions is a nice tool to provide protocol implementations with a bunch of logic that makes use of the protocol specification.

Protocol extensions reduce the need for duplicated code, base classes, etc. by using the protocol contract to provide calculated properties, additional functionality, etc.

For instance, consider a Person protocol that has two properties: firstName & lastName.

protocol Person {

    var firstName: String { get }
    var lastName: String { get }

Instead of requiring all implementations to implement fullName, we can add a calculated property as a extension to the protocol, making use of the two properties that it requires:

extension Person {

    var fullName: String {
        return "\(firstName) \(lastName)"

This approach is convenient in many cases. Just make sure to not use it for functionality that should be impemented by each implementation.

Protocol collection extensions

My struggles involve extending collections where the elements are of a certain protocol.

Let’s extend the Person protocol. If we consider that a person should have friends (seems nice), we could add a friends property to the protocol:

protocol Person {

    var firstName: String { get }
    var lastName: String { get }
    var friends: [Person] { get }

If we now would like to be able to search for a person’s friends, we could filter on the fullName property to find all friends that match a certain query:

let matchingFriends = person.friends.filter { $0.fullName.contains(query) }

However, if we do this in many places, we will duplicate a piece of logic that I think should be a function, since it defines a standard way to filter a collection of persons.

Instead of going down the domain driven rabbit hole and how to do this “correctly”, let’s just keep it simple and discuss how we could solve it in the easiest possible way.

One way could be to define this as an additional extension to Person, as such:

extension Person {

    func friends(matching query: String) -> [Person] {
        return friends.filter { $0.fullName.contains(query) }

We could then use this extensions like this:

let matchingFriends = person.friends(matching: query)

This is much more readable. You can use the friends property to get all friends and this extension to filter the collection. Still, I really don’t like this approach for a few reasons.

One is that this filtering only applies when searching for friends, while in fact it could apply to all Person collections. A better approach would be to extend all Person collections.

Extending Person collections

To repeat, a drawback with extending Person with a friends(matching:) function is that it can only be used to filter friends, while it could apply to all Person collections.

Let’s refactor the extension to be a collection extension instead:

extension Collection where Element: Person {

    func matching(_ query: String) -> [Person] {
        return filter { $0.fullName.contains(query) }

That’s better! You can now use the extensions for every person collection you may handle:

let matchingFriends = person.friends.matching("peter")

…or can you? Turns out you can’t! Since Person is a protocol and not a concrete type, this code doesn’t work! If you try it, it will fail with this error:

Using 'Person' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'Person' is not supported

This doesn’t happen for collections that contain types that implement Person, for instance:

struct PersonStruct: Person {
    var firstName: String
    var lastName: String

let persons = [PersonStruct(firstName: "sarah", lastName: "huckabee")]
let matches = persons.matching("ah huck")   // Great success!

However, if you cast persons to [Person], the error arises once more:

let persons: [Person] = [PersonStruct(firstName: "sarah", lastName: "huckabee")]
let matches = persons.matching("ah huck")   // Great success!


This was an unexpected and unfortunate discovery, since I based my entire domain model on protocols. However, it led me to evaluate the architecture and eventually come to the conclusion that protocols are not good for models.

I now use structs for models and protocols for services, which works a lot better. I however think that Swift should improve its extensions so this code works for protocols as well.