Grabbing the latest version number from a GitHub repository

Oct 5, 2011 · Follow on Twitter and Mastodon gitgithub

I have several GitHub repositories, where some have a gh-pages branch with a public web site. On these web sites, I want to show and link to the latest version.

When I present the repository, I also want to make it easy to download the latest release. I therefore have a download button in which I want to show the latest version number.

To do this, I just use the GitHub API. Let’s say that we create a 2.1 version of a library. We would then create and and push a tag to GitHub:

git tag 2.1
git push origin 2.1

Once the tag is pushed, we can use the GitHub API to show & download the latest version.

Use the GitHub API to grab all tags

The GitHub API let’s you do a lot. You can find all the information you need here. With this, I decided to try fitzgen’s JavaScript github-api library to integrate with the API.

For instance, you just have write the following to grab all tags for a certain repository:

var repo = new gh.repo("danielsaidi", "Facadebook");
repo.tags(function(result){ alert(JSON.stringify(result)); });

Since I will use this approach for all GitHub repositories, I decided to package my custom script according to the rest of the JavaScript library.

I thus created another async method for the gh.repo prototype, like this:

gh.repo.prototype.getLatestRelease = function(callback) {
    this.tags(function(result) {
        var latest = "";
        for (var prop in result.tags) {
            if (prop > latest) {
                latest = prop;

Each site has a span element with the id version, which I can then modify like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var repo = new gh.repo("danielsaidi", "Facadebook");
    var tag = repo.getLatestRelease(function(result){ $("#version").html(result); });
    // Apply the tag to the #version span

When the page loads, the script loads all available repository tags, iterates over them and grab the latest tag. The result is rather nice:

Cloney screenshot

This means that all repository web pages can feature a nice download button that shows the latest version number, just like other libraries like jQuery does.

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