Talks & Workshops

Here is a list of some talks and workshops that I have given at conferences, meetups, events etc. I enjoy it, but am not actively reaching out, sending in papers etc. It happens when it happens.

Mastering the macOS Menu Bar

I gave this talk at CocoaHeads Sthlm in December 2022, on how to customize the macOS menu bar and about panel with SwiftUI, and how to use focus state to control where actions are performed.

Building Rich Documentation with DocC

I gave this talk at CocoaHeads Sthlm in October 2022, on how to use DocC to build rich documentation media, articles and tutorials and how to automate generating documentation for open-source projects.

Going Open-Source

I gave this talk at MalagaMobile in March 2022, and later at Copenhagen Cocoa, on my experiences of working on many open-source projects, how to get started and how to manage closed-source projects.

Building a tvOS app with SwiftUI

I gave this workshop at the try! Swift World online conference in 2021, on how to build a video streaming app for tvOS, using SwiftUI and Combine.

Swift Package Manager - How to Distribute Closed-Source Software

I gave this workshop at the try! Swift World online conference in 2021. In it, we look at how to use the Swift Package Manager to distribute closed-source software and protect our secret sauce.

Get Swifty!

I gave this talk at Devsum 2020, about the Swift programming language its syntax and building blocks. We explored the language basics, then used what we learned to build an app in UIKit and SwiftUI.

Coordinating Async Operations

I gave this talk in 2019, about how to coordinate multiple concurrent and serial async operations using protocols. We created a fully tested solution that is easy to use, and understand.

Peek & Pop

I gave this talk in 2017, about a now discontinoued iOS feature that was called peek & pop. In this talk, we looked at how to use peek & pop on iOS devices with 3D Touch, and how to use preview actions to add even more power to your peekable content.

Abstract, Extract

I gave this talk at Lifesum in 2017, on how to retake control over code that has grown unmaintainable, and how some common code smells can help you detect code-related problems in time.

Alamofire Bonanza

I gave this talk in 2017, on how to use Alamofire to fetch data from an external api, map it to a local model, adapt outgoing requests, retry failing requests, build an offline cache with Realm and use the decorator pattern to build offline support.

Christmas Stuffing

This talk was a traditional Swedish Christmas Korvstoppning (Sausage Stuffing), which is a Swedish term for cramming a lot of knowledge into a short time span. In this quick lightning talk, we went through 10 iOS productivity boosters in 10 minutes.

Hobby Projects Happiness

I gave this talk to a Chinese college board that visited Sweden. The talk was about how hobby projects can bring friendship and foster creativity. I then talked about a collaborative project, where my family worked with family members in San Francisco, that we never met before, to make apps for children.

Hybrid Apps - The Whys and Hows

I gave this talk in 2014, on how Apple's vision of 3rd party iOS apps went from Safari-based experiences to the native apps we have today, due to the launch of the App Store. We also did a case study on how, and why, a popular Swedish brand decided to replace their native apps with custom-made, hybrid apps that wrapped their new responsive web site.