# Going Open-Source Daniel Saidi · [@danielsaidi](https://twitter.com/danielsaidi)
# In this talk Open-source Private libraries Closed-source Live coding Discussions
# About me Web/js since 1995 MSc in Media Technology C/C++, Python at school .NET, web, api at work iOS since 2011
# First public project ![Wigbi logo](/assets/talks/220326/wigbi-logo.png "Wigbi Logo")
# Wigbi Tool for ASP (Active Server Pages), later PHP Code generation PHP to JavaScript (AJAX) Flash plugin CMS
# Learnings Wasn't *really* open-source Built for public use Commercial product Commercial failure Obfuscation, documentation Semver, configuration, releases etc.
# Commercial Failure ## Story Time
# Today Open-source is everywhere GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket etc. SPM, Gradle, NPM etc. Markdown, Doxygen, DocC etc. XCFrameworks for closed-source
# Some of my projects (not to promote, bear with me) UI libs like [Sheeeeeeeeet](https://github.com/danielsaidi/Sheeeeeeeeet) and [SystemNotification](https://github.com/danielsaidi/SystemNotification) Mono-repos like [SwiftUIKit](https://github.com/danielsaidi/SwiftUIKit) Test tools like [MockingKit](https://github.com/danielsaidi/MockingKit) Commercial ones like [KeyboardKit](https://github.com/KeyboardKit/KeyboardKit)
# Project updates New features or improvements Bug fixes User feedback Pull requests External changes (e.g. iOS, Swift)
# My work structure App-specific code in app target App-agnostic code in a framework App-specific framework in app target No external dependencies in the framework Unit test the framework, not the app
# App to Open-Source Convert framework to local package Convert local package to open-source Documentation with DocC Automate build process with Fastlane Demo app, code examples etc.
## App-specific frameworks Separate domain from app Reusability between targets More focus, less distraction Faster to compile Easier to test
# Local packages Cleaner separation betwen app and library Reusability across apps Increased modularity Easier to combine packages Good preparation for open-source
# Why Open-Source? **Better code** - since it's public **Communication** - what does it do? **Planning** - what to release, when, how? **Collaboration** - working with others **Sharing** - giving back to the community
## Why NOT open-source? Time consuming Intellectual property Work secrets High volatility You can still work in an open-source way
# Private Projects Private repo or server Accessed with SSH instead of HTTPS SSH gives granular access control Still "open-source" when used Perfect for e.g. company projects
# Closed-Source Public repo Pre-compiled binary, e.g. XCFramework Can be protected with a license Can use documentation, issues etc. Perfect for commercial projects
# Good Practices System design, access control etc. Only expose the essential Abstractions and loose coupling Test, test, test Automate, automate, automate
# License Very important! Code without license is NOT open-source Without license, the author has all rights MIT is common, very allowing Others, like BSD, CPL, GPL etc.
# Conclusion Open-source can be very rewarding Can also be very demanding Set clear expectations on yourself Communicate your ambitions and intent Have fun!
# Live Coding
# Thank you! ## Questions? Daniel Saidi · [@danielsaidi](https://twitter.com/danielsaidi)