## Swift Package Manager
### How to Distribute Closed-Source Software
![Title](/assets/talks/210426/title_500.png "Title")
Daniel Saidi · [@danielsaidi](https://twitter.com/danielsaidi)
# In this workshop
Create an open-source library
Create a closed-source library
Create a multi-platform demo app
Fail intentionally, to learn
## Swift Package Manager
Dependency Manager
Replaces CocoaPods & Carthage
Developed by Apple, built into Xcode
Evolves with every Swift release
Still lacks a bunch of power features
## Swift Package Manager
### Quick demo
# Open-Source
Get help from the community
Give back to the community
Develop your skills
Get freelance gigs
Have fun with others
# Closed-Source
Google, Realm, Facebook
Business critical code
Intellectual property
Secret information
Commercial licenses
# Workshop libraries
We'll create two libraries/packages
trySwiftColorKit - SwiftUI Colors & Utils
trySwiftColorKitPro - Additional Pro Colors
The Core library will be open-source
The Pro library will be closed-source
## Workshop repositories
Three(!) GitHub repositories
Public repo for open-source
Private repo for closed-source
Public repo for closed-source distribution
# Thank you!
## Questions?
Daniel Saidi · [@danielsaidi](https://twitter.com/danielsaidi)