# Alamofire
### A ❤️ story
Daniel Saidi · [@danielsaidi](https://twitter.com/danielsaidi)
# Daniel
## Long Road to Apple
# NSURLSession
## Objective-C
# RestKit
## Objective-C + Swift
# This talk
* Alamofire
* AlamofireObjectMapper
* Realm
# Alamofire
* HTTP networking library
* Rest, File downloads etc.
* Built in Swift
## AlamofireObjectMapper
* Extends Alamofire
* Based on ObjectMapper
* Simplifies mapping API responses
# Realm
* Mobile Database
* SQLite and Core Data alternative
* We will use it as a simple cache
# Demo
* Authorization (URLSession vs Alamofire)
* Request Retry + Adaption (Alamofire 4)
* Fetch data (Alamofire)
* Map data (AlamofireObjectMapper)
* Save data (Realm)
# Disclaimer
* We'll use Yelp's API:s
* Yelp only allows saving data 24h
* Remind me to delete the app :)
# Thank you!
### Questions?
Daniel Saidi · [@danielsaidi](https://twitter.com/danielsaidi)