# ⠀ # ⠀ # ⠀ # ⠀⠀ Daniel Saidi · [@danielsaidi](https://twitter.com/danielsaidi)
# In this talk History of Swift Syntax UIKit SwiftUI Tools
# Daniel Saidi iOS since 2011 Swift since 2014 iOS Lead at BookBeat iOS, ipadOS, watchOS, CarPlay etc. Mobile architecture, API design, UI/UX Accessibility
# Before Swift Objective-C ![Objective-C](/assets/talks/200528/objc.png "Objective-C")
# Objective-C Introduced in early 80s Message-based layer on top of C Main language at NeXT for NeXTSTEP Later used by Apple for macOS/iOS Still heavily used
# Swift Introduced by Apple in 2014 General-purpose language Apps, command-line, backend macOS, Windows, Linux More accessible
# Swift ## A Great First Language Strong typing, clean syntax Less true for each version CLI tools iPad app - Swift Playgrounds Xcode Playgrounds
# Swift Syntax Properties & Types Functions Protocols Extensions ...and more
# Swift ## Live Coding
# UIKit UI framework for iOS/ipadOS AppKit for macOS WatchKit for watchOS UIKit for tvOS ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Imperative frameworks
# UIKit ## Live Coding
# Conclusions A lot of code Hard to learn BUT very powerful Powers all iOS apps Industry standard
# SwiftUI Introduced in 2019 UI framework for iOS/ipadOS ...and macOS ...and watchOS ...and tvOS
# SwiftUI Declarative framework Tell it want you want... ...not how you want it done Great data bindings Requires iOS 13
# SwiftUI ## Live Coding
# Conclusions Just 1 year old Many bugs Many breaking changes Many missing features ...but it's the future
# Tools SwiftLint SwiftGen Swift Package Manager
# Conclusion Swift is fun and pretty easy ...but has some complicated parts UIKit is the past and present SwiftUI is the future Apple development has never been so fun
# Thank you! ## Questions? Daniel Saidi · [@danielsaidi](https://twitter.com/danielsaidi)